Ban of Tobacco Ads by the Government of India|Business Ethics Case Studies

Ban of Tobacco Ads by the Government of India

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The Ayes'

The ban was not unusual keeping in view the international precedents. Countries like France, Finland, and Norway had already imposed similar bans. Advocates of free choice opposed to these bans, saying these amounted to unwarranted intrusion by the state in the private lives of its citizens. But, others pointed out that the state had the right to intervene in the overall interest of the citizens. They cited the example of drugs like cocaine, which was, banned the world over.

In 1981, the Supreme Court (of Appeal) in Belgium gave its ruling that a ban on tobacco advertising was not unconstitutional. In 1991 the French Constitutional Council declared that the French ban on advertising tobacco products was not unconstitutional as it was based on the need to protect public health and did not curtail the freedom of trade.

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There were many precedents of restrictions being imposed on the advertising of dangerous or potentially dangerous products even if these products remained in the market (e.g. firearms, pharmaceutical Products).According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), tobacco accounted for over 3 million deaths in 1990, the figure rising to 4.023 million deaths in 1998. It was estimated that tobacco related deaths would rise to 8.4 million in 2020 and to 10 million in about 2030.

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